Sunday, March 16, 2008

Conclusions about photography

This semester I need to create a project for my conclusion paper at school - by the way, I'll be a bachelor in Marketing and Advertising - and because of this, I need to decide the theme for this paper.

I always wanted to write something related to photography, but I always thought that this would be an over analyzed area, but, for my complete surprise, the teacher who is orienting me during this semester, told me that photography is the least explored area for conclusion works in our university and in our entire region.

Of course it surprised me in both positive and negative way - positive, because now I have already decided my field of analysis for the paper; and negative, cause it makes me a little disappointed that in an university dedicated exclusively to communication and marketing, so few people show interest about photography.. I don't know, I think I just expected tons of people with the same interest in this area as I and some of my friends do.

Well, but maybe it is just me.

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